GC G-CEM LinkForce Cement

01274 88 10 44
G-Cem LinkForce is a Dual-cure adhesive luting cement, a the universal and powerful solution to all your adhesive cementation challenges.
System Kit contains:G-CEM LinkForce A2, G-CEM LinkForce Translucent, G-Premio BOND,G-Premio BOND DCA, G-Multi Primer, G-CEM LinkForce
Try-in Pastes (A2 & Translucent), GC Etchant, Accessories.
Starter Kit A2 contains: G-CEM LinkForce A2, G-Premio BOND, G-Multi Primer, Accessories.
Starter Kit TR contains: G-CEM LinkForce Translucent, G-Premio BOND, G-Multi Primer, Accessories.
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